A lot has been written about Somalia. Much of the reports and analysis are either based on small sample or completely on some limited literature available in Somalia.
The main purpose of this survey is to document the perception of the Somali People on key economic, Social, Governance, Security and Political trends in the country. It is therefore, very important that the Somalis themselves fully express their perception and participate in this survey towards key issues highlighted in the survey questionnaire.
We would appreciate your time taking to fill the survey form. It should take only few minutes of your time. Your response are voluntary and will be confidential. Responses will not be identified by individuals all responses will be compiled together and analysed as groups.
To submit you survey please navigate these links
English Version Click here https://goo.gl/9BP9Ph
Somali Version Click Here https://goo.gl/ycR3ru
If you have any question or concern, please contact Taran Limited at +252613526930 or +254713260032 or
at info@consultaran.com. You can also visit our website for further details about the survey.